By Tarak Uday
Author and Mentor
9/21/2024 11:17 AM

You may not know clearly what your purpose is within the next 5 minutes after reading this email. I can, however, guarantee that you will understand HOW to identify your soul's purpose after reading this email.

The first thing to remember is that whether you are consciously aware of what your purpose in life is or not, you are still going to be fulfilling your purpose the vast majority of time within your life.

Half of the purpose of life is fulfilling desires. We all have thousands of desires at any time within our life. if you look at what your greatest desires were ten years ago you will begin to understand how those desires faded away after having fulfilled them and allowed new desires to come through. This is not entirely the line of meaning that most people are intending when they speak on their purpose but it is important to point out.

The other half of our purpose is the primary concept that most are speaking on when they are speaking on their purpose in life. And like all things it is dual, both receptive and aggressive.

The receptive quality of out purpose is what we have to learn in life. The understandings we can gain and build upon through learning the life lessons we have the opportunity to learn through our life experiences.


The highest form of your personal benefit are the understandings that we have to learn, and once learned we feed into our soul to be stored within our storehouse of wisdom which is the source of our intuition. Throughout our entire life, this is the only thing that carries forth with us after we cease existing within our current physical form. We cannot carry our money with us, our family with us, our house's cars, vacations, etc. The only thing carrying forth with us are the understandings that we have made a permanent part of our soul.

Many people argue about DESTINY VS FREE WILL. However, they . are both intertwined within each other. The blueprint we have created for ourselves, that is held within our spirit, is our destiny. We are destined to learn specific understandings and will generate experiences, scenarios, and circumstances that will provide us with opportunities to learn and understand. However, we always have free will to CHOOSE whether we want to learn it now or not.

We may continue to choose to not learn it right now, but it is a part of our destiny and we will simply continue to re-create new opportunities to learn, whether it is a month later, a year later, or a lifetime later. We can all look back within our lives and see how this has played out where we circle around and around in similar experiences. For some of us it is the same relationship over and over, the same type of job, for others it is the same financial struggle, the same failures. Whether it is the same people involved and same environment or new ones with the same situations and circumstances, the opportunity to learn continues to come around over and over until we decide to learn.

Identify the different things you have the opportunity to learn from the lessons life is trying to teach you. Maybe you have the opportunity to understand leadership, communication, or forgiveness. Or possibly you are needing to learn and understand more about prosperity, or inner strength, or empathy.

The aggressive quality of your purpose in life is simply the collection of all of the understandings that you have already built up within all of your previous lifetimes. There is nothing that is needed from you to fulfill this part of your purpose other than allowing yourself to be your natural self. Look at what things you naturally understand that others may struggle with. Maybe you naturally understand abundance or creation, or maybe you are a naturally compassionate person or naturally highly intuitive. And through you moving through life connected with yourself, others can learn from you just by observing you and being within your presence.

Reply to this email with any further questions you may have or more clarity you would like in regards to aiding you in personally becoming more aware of identifying YOUR purpose! :)

Have a peaceful day,